Call of the watchmen

Prayer Letter for Germany October

Dear intercessors,

The results of the national elections in Germany are now known and although Angela Merkel has secured a fourth term as German chancellor, her centre-right CDU/CSU party and the current centre-left SPD coalition partner both have a reduced number of members in the new parliament. She now has to form a new coalition with one or two other parties and face opposition from the radical right-wing AfD party which has entered parliament for the first time as the third-largest party. Please pray for the formation of the new government according to the prayers in this month’s prayer letter.

At the German Prayer Conference “Make Way” in Berlin in September there was sincere repentance for allowing the strong influence of humanism in the German church and society, but there was also a powerful proclamation for the roots of humanism and anti-Semitism in Neo-Marxism to wither and die - deep roots which stand in the way for the fulfilment of God’s purposes and heritage for our future generations in both the east and west of Germany.

Please be encouraged by the section in this prayer letter and the prayers for “a new reformation” in Germany and in Europe as we continue to “Make Way” for the King of glory! (Psalm 24)

Thank you for praying for Germany!

Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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