
Prayer Letter for Germany - February 2012

Dear intercessors,

<u1:p>Here is a special message from the Call of the Watchmen (Waechterruf) office in Germany:</u1:p>

<u1:p>“We are so pleased that the prayer letter is also being used outside of Germany as a basis for prayer for Germany. We now have a special question for you: Do you pray alone or do you pray for Germany in a prayer group? We are very interested to know if our prayer letter is used in any prayer groups outside of Germany. Please let us know by sending a message to international(at) We would be very encouraged to hear from you !</u1:p>

<u1:p>Blessings to you all from the entire team in the “Waechterruf” office.”</u1:p>

<u1:p>Thank you for praying for Germany again this month, especially for its relationship with Iran as described in the prayer letter.</u1:p>

<u1:p>Blessings also from the “international” Call of the Watchmen team ! </u1:p>

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