
Prayer Letter for Germany - October 2013

Dear intercessors,

This month's prayer letter was written before the elections. We now know the result. The FDP (Liberals) did not reach the 5% threshold and therefore have no seats in parliament, but the CDU with Angela Merkel received 41.5% of the vote, slightly better than expected, but not enough to form a majority government. Please pray for Angela Merkel as she leads negotiations for a coalition government with the SPD (Socialist) party (preferred) or with the Greens (outside chance). For further insight into the situation, please read last month's prayer letter again (National elections in Germany). See also this month's prayer letter for some information that is coming to light about some activities within the FDP and Greens parties (Disclosure) that may influence your prayers !

We have good news about the European Citizens Initiative “One of us” that we mentioned in the cover letter for last month's prayer letter and was reported in the prayer letter for June. It concerns a campaign to cut off EU financing for any activities that involve in any way the destruction of human embryos.

The campaign has received the one million votes required for consideration by the EU ! 

Germany has reached the required 75,000 votes. Italy has registered more than 300,000 votes (!) followed by Poland with 160,000 and France with 80,000.  As some of the votes may be declared as invalid when checked by the EU Commission, please register your vote as an EU citizen before the end of October if you have not done so yet !

You can register your vote at: .

Thank you again for praying for Germany.

Your Call of the Watchmen team - International.

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