
Prayer Letter for Germany - October 2024

Dear intercessors,

In this month's prayer letter we find the following:

"In Romans 4:17 we read that God “calls things that are not as though they were!”. It appears that with God profound changes, new thoughts and ways, come “out of nothing”. The Spirit of God brings them forth and allows them to enter into our hearts."

As we join with intercessors in Germany, let us pray - to our most powerful Lord and God - for the following items of major concern as requested.

"Prayer: For grace and mercy in economic and politcal judgement: for divine solutions for the formation of governments, for the economy and the infrastructure, for the flood victims in our neighbouring countries. (Joel 2:12)"

After state elections in three eastern federal states, Turingia, Saxony, and Brandenburg, in September, the traditional German politcal parties lost a significant number of votes to recently formed far-right and far-left parties. There is great concern about the formation of a coaltion of parties with a majority of seats to now run the government of these states in a beneficial way. This includes the efficient and practical response to flood damage and assistance to flood victims in the east.

"Prayer: Let us, in prayer, place ourselves in this conflict between Hezbollah and Israel, raise our eyes and hands to God and release God's sound of victory over this situation: Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory! (Psalm 39:3; Matthew 6:13)"

The existential threat to Israel from the forces from the north and the success of all the recent military activity of Israel to defend itself against Hezbollah must now be in all our prayers as well as in Germany! God is certainly at work to fulfill his Word to neither "slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121) in watching over His chosen nation and the coming of His Kingdom to earth - in all of our nations!

Thank you for praying with us.

Your Call of the Watchmen Team - Germany and International.

PS: Please consider using the "Sway" version (the large print, colour graphic version) of the prayer letter in your prayer groups, projected onto a wide-screen if possible, as this can really help you to follow the prayer topics as you pray together.

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