
Prayer Letter for Germany - May 2013

Dear intercessors,

As mentioned last year, on the evening of April 30th and throughout the night many involved in the "black arts" will again be celebrating Walpurgisnacht when witches hold a large celebration in the Harz mountains as they await the arrival of spring. Violent demonstrations are also expected in Berlin and Hamburg on May 1st, which is a holiday in Germany, and there will be a march of the NPD (National Party of Germany - extreme right-wing party) in Frankfurt. May 1st is also the first day of the Protestant Church Conference in Hamburg.

If you read this in time, please keep Germany in your prayers on April 30th and May 1st.  Through the prayers of the saints, may the atmosphere in Germany be filled with the Spirit of God and his peace triumph over evil forces in the mountains and in the cities !

We are excited about the formation of the new prophetic team for the Call of the Watchmen under the leadership of Markus Egli and will let you know as soon as an English version of the first issue of the "Prophetic Page" is available. We will also be going to Dublin to pray for Europe and Ireland.

Thank you for praying for Germany.

Your Call of the Watchmen team.

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