
Prayer Letter for Germany - September 2013

Dear intercessors,

We trust that you have experienced times of refreshing during the summer period in the presence of God as mentioned in our last prayer letter. Often it is in these times of relaxation that we are prepared to receive something new from Him.

As you will read in this month’s prayer letter, September is a big election month in Germany and we need your prayers for “the formation of a government that will enable our society to live together according to the good ordinances of God”. There will be many special prayer meetings in Germany to pray for these national and state elections.

In the prayer letter for May 2013 we wrote that the “Prophetic Page” in German was available on the website: and that an English version for our English speaking intercessors was currently in preparation. We are pleased to announce that a shortened version is now available on the website under INTERNATIONAL/PROPHETIC PAGE and is also attached to this mail. We will continue to let you know as further Prophetic Pages in English are released.

Finally just a reminder about the European Citizens Initiative “One of us” reported in the prayer letter for June. It concerns a campaign to cut off EU financing for any activities that involve in any way the destruction of human embryos.

As an EU citizen you can register your vote at: .

The campaign needs one million votes in total for consideration by the EU. Germany must register at least 75,000 votes and has received 55,400 so far.  Please register your vote if you live in Germany (or for your own country of residence) !

Your Call of the Watchmen team - International.

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