
Prayer Letter for Germany - October 2012

Dear intercessors,

Please remember to pray for the special week of prayer in Berlin as part of an initiative of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) called "Operation Capitals of Europe" which will take place from October 16th to 21st. Intercessors from many countries will take part and Rosemarie Stresemann from the "Call of the Watchmen" team will be conducting some of the teaching sessions and coordinating prayer walks in the city. A flyer in English was posted with the September prayer letter (and again sent with the October mailing distribution) and you are again warmly invited to come to Berlin in October to pray for Germany "on location" !

We have just arrived back from Cyprus where we were praying for Cyprus (currently holding the Presidency of the EU Council for 6 months) along with Ortwin Schweitzer and Rosemarie Stresemann from Germany and many intercessors from Cyprus and other countries in Europe. We also walked and prayed together in the capital, Nicosia.

We have been so encouraged to keep praying for the nations !

Thank you again for praying for Germany.

Your Call of the Watchmen team.

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