
Prayer Letter for Germany May 2016

Dear intercessors,


As you will read in this month’s prayer letter, the UK referendum has become a major concern and prayer topic in Germany. The World Prayer Centre in Birmingham, England, has also issued a call for prayer:


“The referendum is happening at a time of great spiritual challenge and opportunity, so we pray beyond the political and economic for God’s Kingdom purpose, His mercy and deliverance. We believe God’s heart is that none should perish and all should come to a knowledge of Him.  Whatever the result we shall be praying for the gospel to be preached, shown and heard in our nation and the nations of Europe.”


Please pray with us that Christians in both countries will be seeking to know God’s will and purpose, not only for the future relationship of the UK with the EU and for the European continent in general, but more importantly for the role of the British and German church in reviving the Christian gospel message within Europe and to the world with the missionary zeal of past centuries.


The Call of the Watchmen Prayer Conference for Germany takes place on May 27-29, in Bingen-on-the-Rhine. We again invite you as our international intercessors to make a note of the dates and to join with us in prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit. We will be giving you some feedback on the conference with the July prayer letter.


Please continue to pray for the challenges for the German government in the current situation with so many new refugees in our land, and for the opportunities, particularly for Christian witness in Germany.


We also attach two special issues from the Call of the Watchmen from last year concerning the Christian response to the refugee issue in Germany and to terrorists and terrorism globally.


Thank you for praying for Germany.




Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

2015-09_special-issue_refugees_01.pdf177 K
2015-11_special-issue_terrorism_01.pdf135 K
2016-05_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf158 K