
Prayer Letter for Germany April 2016

Dear intercessors,

 The leader of the Call of the Watchmen prayer network and senior editor of the monthly prayer letter, Rosemarie Stresemann, was recently asked if she could comment on the influence of our prayers on political and social life in Germany. She replied that intercessors can always read about direct answers to prayer in each prayer letter and there is again good news in this month’s letter.

But what about all the negative developments, dangers and catastrophic events from which we have been spared through our prayers and that we are not aware of? We believe that through our intercession our land has been wonderfully protected and we have been kept safe from terrorist attacks for which the security authorities can find no explanation in view of the high risk of such events in these days.

Then there is the upswing in the German economy, despite all the current crises in Europe and in the world. We are convinced that our land would look totally different today if it were not for the prayers of the Call of the Watchmen network.

The tragic events in Brussels came after the prayer letter for April had been written, but we now stand firm in our prayers for those who have lost loved-ones and for the speedy recovery of all who were injured in such terror attacks. We also pray for the security forces to expose the terrorist rings and their murderous plans, and to bring the perpetrators to justice. We intercede before the Lord for the people in all the countries of Europe, in the Middle East and in Israel where attacks on civilians, police and soldiers are taking place almost every day, and indeed for the entire world.

We thank God for each and every intercessor in the Call of the Watchmen international network and assure you that all of us in the Call of the Watchmen team are also praying for your protection in your country. 


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International


English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell




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