
Prayer Letter for Germany - May 2012

Dear intercessors,

As mentioned last month, please pray for Germany already on April 30th if you can, as many involved in the "black arts" will be celebrating Walpurgisnacht when witches hold a large celebration in the Harz mountains as they await the arrival of spring. Let us pray that the rain storms of the past month of April will continue on this night and at least "dampen their spirits".

On the other hand, please pray for the young people who will be walking and praying through Germany in May, for less rain, and especially that God will respond graciously and bless our land with state election results that will further the establishment of His kingdom on earth. We live in North Rhine Westphalia and election results here are often seen as an indicator for national trends in the future.

Thank you for praying for Germany !

Your Call of the Watchmen team.

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