
Prayer Letter for Germany April 2017

Dear intercessors,

In Germany this month’s prayer letter was sent out with an extra prayer request for the tense security situation in this land, and especially for the over-worked police and all who are responsible for our security. Many potential attacks were discovered and prevented during the month of March.

This happened just before the tragic terrorist attack in Westminster in London where a policeman was killed and over 50 bystanders from many nations were injured, four losing their lives.

Let us all continue to pray for the security forces in all of our countries and for those who have lost loved ones.

As you will read in this prayer letter we are calling for us to “pray for our land with a new desire to see God’s strength and power”. Let this be not only in our lands - but also in and through us all!

God’s blessings as this month you remember Passover and celebrate Resurrection Day. He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Thank you for praying for Germany!

Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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