
Prayer Letter for Germany July-August

Dear Intercessors,


This prayer letter covers the two months when most people in Germany take some vacation.


It is also the period in which the newly elected European Parliament will sit for the first time, elect its President, and approve the nomination of the next President of the EU Commission - the executive branch of the European Union. After the European elections at the end of May, the composition of the European Parliament has changed with significantly more “Euro-sceptic” members, and without unanimous support of the European Council (Heads of State from the 28 EU member countries) the next President of the EU Commission has to build his team of commissioners for the next five years.


As stated in this letter, the European Union is now set on a new course, and we need your prayers for Germany’s role at this critical time in Europe. This includes prayer for Germany’s continuing involvement in stabilising the situation and restoring the rule of law in the east of Ukraine.


Also available on the webside now: The summary translation of the third “Prophetic Page”, recently issued by the team of spirtual leaders within the Call of the Watchmen Prayer Network, with the latest prophetic words of encouragement for Germany. You find it here.


Thank you for taking time to pray for Germany during this vacation period.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

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