
Prayer Letter for Germany - March 2014

Dear Intercessors,

As this prayer letter was being written there was serious concern in the German government about the circumstances which caused the resignation of the Minister of Agriculture Hans-Peter Friedrich. Angela Merkel was very involved in bringing reconciliation between the coalition parties. Christian Schmidt (CSU), who was the parliamentary secretary of state in the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, has now become Minister of Food and Agriculture. He is the deputy national chairman of the Evangelical Working Group within the CDU and CSU parties and takes a clear Christian stand on issues. Like his predecessor, he is a friend of Israel and he was present at the 70th anniversary of the “1943 Sportpalast Speech” by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels in Berlin. (A revised photo gallery of the German Government is attached.)

On Monday (today) and Tuesday, February 24th-25th, the next German-Israeli Government Consultations will take place in Jerusalem. There has recently been some tension between the two governments. Merkel now wants to demonstrate the importance of the relationship. So she has asked all ministers to travel with her to Israel. This has never happened before in such consultations! The Minister of Labour, Andrea Nahles, has to prepare draft legislation before the meetings in Israel which will allow thousands of former Jewish ghetto workers at last to receive the pension payments due to them. Until now the German pension service had only paid part of the money, applying a particular clause within the social insurance laws.

These items are not included in the March prayer letter, but please keep any new developments in your prayers for our government.

Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

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