
Prayer Letter for Germany - April 2014

Dear Intercessors,


The “Education Policy 2015” remains a major prayer concern for Germany and our team feels that this is now the time to pray that “home schooling” will again be allowed in Germany as it was before 1938 when the National Socialists introduced compulsory attendance at a state school. As state governments in Germany are now promoting compulsory teaching of the latest “gender ideology”, the rights of parents to guide and protect their children need to be re-established in law. The Call of the Watchmen has set up a prayer and fasting chain from April 7th to 13th and our German intercessors can register on the website. Please join them in prayer sometime during this period if you can!


Let us be thankful that our prayers were answered in the positive outcome of the German-Israeli Government Consultations that we mentioned last month.


Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

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