
Prayer Letter for Germany - June 2013

Dear intercessors,

Last month we asked you to keep Germany in your prayers on April 30th and May 1st. We wrote: "Through the prayers of the saints, may the atmosphere in Germany be filled with the Spirit of God and his peace triumph over evil forces in the mountains and in the cities ! " As you will read in this month's letter, the cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt were more peaceful than in previous years and we believe that this was due to the praise and prayers within (and outside of) the land. Praise the Lord !

The organisational changes in the Call of the Watchmen prayer network announced in the April prayer letter have now been completed and the footer on Page 2 of this letter gives the new address and bank details. God's plans for the new independent organisation are best summarised by a prophetic picture given during praise and worship after the initial meeting:

"The Call of the Watchmen is like a tree that has been growing for some time. Up until now however it has been in a protected area, as in a tree nursery. The tree is now being planted out into the mother earth of Germany and will then stretch out its branches all over Germany. Many new branches can now grow. The Prophetic Page (coming soon in English!) is an example of a new branch, but there will be yet other new and strong branches."

Thank you for praying for Germany.

Your Call of the Watchmen team.

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