
Prayer Letter for Germany September

Dear Intercessors,

After the long summer break there are naturally many issues for our prayers. As always we must rely on the Holy Spirit to help us to select the most important issues for the Call of the Watchmen prayer letter.

We now have some more recent information concerning the subject of the “Threat to peace from within and from outside” in this September prayer letter.

The German Parliament wants to bring forward the planned summit meeting with representatives from the German states to discuss the current refugee situation. It will probably now be held at the beginning of September. Here in Germany, as well as all over Europe, the government is being challenged to find solutions to the rise in the numbers of refugees entering our country. Please include this meeting in your intercession for Germany.

In addition, the topic “Prayer for the Islamic State (IS) and persecuted Christians” needs our constant and whole-hearted attention in prayer.

Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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