
Prayer Letter for Germany - November 2015

Dear Intercessors,  


The meetings between Benjamin Netanyahu, Angela Merkel and their government ministers (in the “6th German-Israeli Government Consultations” as announced in the “Prayer Alert for Germany - 8th October 2015”) were suddenly cancelled on the evening before the meetings, due to the escalation of violence in Jerusalem. However, your prayers for God to “strengthen the relations between our two lands and our two governments” were indeed heard, and Netanyahu has been in Berlin in the past few days, meeting with Merkel and also with John Kerry to discuss the continuing violent and fatal attacks on Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers in Jerusalem.


Please continue to pray “that Germany shows itself to be a friend of Israel in this time of need” - as you will read in this November prayer letter.


The refugee emergency situation in Germany is currently the most urgent item for prayer - as you will realise as you read the prayer letter. Germany needs your prayers more than ever!


The leadership team of the Call of the Watchmen has also asked for your prayer support during these critical times. The whole team will be at the “Global Gathering” in Munich from 25th to 28th October which has been mentioned several times in our communications and prayer letters. Please pray that the spiritual refreshment that many of the spirtual leaders in Germany receive during this gathering will be a continuing source of strength and wisdom for their ministry at this important time for Christian witness in Germany.


Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

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