
Prayer Letter for Germany September

Dear Intercessors,


At this time of year, after the vacation period in Germany, we express our hope that our intercessors in Germany have renewed strength to continue in prayer as “watchmen on the walls” for Germany and for the world. We trust that our “international” intercessors are also ready to continue in prayer, even if there was no recent vacation period in your country! 


The need for prayer is becoming more intensive each day, especially as we see the rise of anti-Semitism and pro-Palestinian - Hamas - Islamic State demonstrations on the streets of Germany and in many other countries. As you will read in the prayer letter, we are encouraged to pray for our political leaders who are under tremendous pressure at this time to decide how to respond to violence at home, and internationally to the continuing crises in countries where Christians and other religious and ethnic groups are being persecuted and in some areas systematically murdered.


In this time of “wars and rumours of war” (Matthew 24:6), it was a special privilege for us to attend a service of confession and repentance by families of the nobility in Germany for the involvement of their forefathers in the declaration of war in 1914. The service took place in Frankfurt in July - one day before the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of WWI in Germany. We believe that this was a significant step for the German nation by these elite Christian families who once held the political and military power. Our personal report of the event is attached.


Thank you once again for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

Confession_Service_Frankfurt_2014-07-27.pdf54 K
2014-09_call-of-the-watchmen.pdf151 K