
Prayer Letter for Germany February 2016

Dear intercessors,


In this month’s prayer letter we again mention the Call of the Watchmen Prayer Conference, May 27-29, in Bingen-on-the-Rhine. Due to the interactive nature of this prayer conference, all sessions will be held in the German language. However we invite you as our international intercessors to make a note of the dates and to join with us in prayer – through the power of the Holy Spirit - wherever you are in the world and in your own language! We will give you some feedback on the conference with the July prayer letter.

 Please also continue to pray for the challenges for the German government in the current situation with so many new refugees in our land, and for the opportunities, particularly for Christian witness in Germany.


Thank you for praying for Germany.

 Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell




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