
Prayer Letter for Germany - October 2014

Dear Intercessors,  

In this month’s letter we are very much called to pray for the German government and its responsibilities in the stand against Islamist terror at home and in the Middle East with the onslaught of the Islamic State forces in northern Iraq and Syria. Jewish people are being threatened on the streets of Germany and Christians and other minority groups have been murdered or driven from their homes in Iraq and Syria.

Kurds in northern Iraq are defending their population, now with aerial support from America and its newly formed international alliance, and is receiving humanitarian aid for thousands of displaced people.


Recognising that this is not only a humanitarian and military crisis but also a spiritual battle, Christians in Erbil (in the Kurdish area of Iraq) held a 50 hour prayer meeting beginning on the Hebrew Feast of Trumpets (New Year or Rosh Hashanah in Israel) on September 24th. It was named “Trumpet Call” and they were supported by prayer houses in Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Pretoria, Cairo, Fredricksburg (Washington DC), Kansas City (IHOP) and Augsburg (Germany). Prayer and worship sessions were held in the 24/7 Catholic Prayer House in Augsburg with mostly young people and a prayer vigil took place through the night of September 26th with live streaming on the Internet.


This is already an answer to our prayers for Germany to take on more responsibility internationally – especially as this involves the joining of forces in the spiritual realm with our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world to pray for those needing encouragement and protection as in Iraq right now. Let us thank God that this prayer house in Germany is also involved in 24/7 prayer on a global scale and pray that the commitment of this prayer house will be an example to other prayer houses in this land.


Thank you for praying for Germany.


Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

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